
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Performance Tables

We know that each of our young people are on a specific journey to reach their potential. We are proud of their performances and view their paths as the road that makes our journey as an academy so special.

Children in Year 6 sit SATS tests each school year, the tests are in Reading, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling and Maths. Writing is assessed by the class teachers. Children in Year 4 sit a Multiplication check and children in Year 1 have a phonics screening assessment. If you require more information about these assessments, please speak to your child's class teacher.

·         Year 6 children will sit their tests the week commencing 12th May 2025, it is essential all children are in school this week.

·         Year 1 children have their phonics screening the week commencing 9th June 2025.

·         Year 4 will sit the multiplications check within a three-week period from Monday 4th June 2025.

Primary Performance - reported results from 2023-2024

Early Years Foundation Stage
  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Pupils achieving a Good Level of Development 59% 67%


Average number of early learning goals at the expected level per pupil 15.1 14.2 14.1

In September 2023 29% of children were on track to achieve GLD.  

Phonics Screening Check
  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Pupils passing in Year 1 81% 81%


Multiplication Check
  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Pupils scoring full marks (25/25) 45% 30%


Average Score (out of 25) 21.8 20.3 20.6
  Academy Local Authority Average England Average
Pupils meeting expected standard in RWM 52% 57% 61%
Pupils achieving at a higher standard in RWM 2% 6% 8%
Average score in Reading 101 105 105
Average score in Maths 101 103 104
Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils Academy (dis. pupils) Local Authority Average (non dis. pupils) England (non dis. pupils)
Percentage of pupils achieving a 'high' standard  0% 8% 10%
Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard 44% 64% 67%
Reading score 99 106 106
Maths score 98 104 105