
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


“Pupils said they welcome others from different backgrounds as an opportunity to celebrate difference.”- Ofsted 2022.



Our Commitment to Equality

Equality and inclusion are at the heart of Oasis. We have a passion to include everyone and a deep desire to treat everyone equally. We accept others for who they are and respect differences.

At Oasis Academy Warndon we ensure we promote equality and eliminate discrimination. Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our students. Our way of doing this is to work hard to improve students’ attainment and the standards of teaching and learning continually. At the same time, we also aim to meet the needs of the whole person and the whole community because we understand that the whole of life is education and that everyone who is part of a student’s life affects that student’s understanding of life and, therefore, his or her education. In this sense, every person matters.

Our Commitment to the Equality Act 2010

The Equality Act 2010 gathers together various different pieces of equality legislation which have been developed over a number of recent years. It sets out some key equality provisions for the delivery of education and a requirement for public bodies to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relationships between different groups. Against the background of the UK's increasingly diverse communities, Oasis recognises that this Act plays a major role in recognising the UK's historic commitment to tolerance.

The Equality Act 2010 is, therefore, an important and significant piece of legislation for Oasis because its key provisions underpin the aim of Oasis itself: an equal and inclusive society in which difference is understood and respected. This Academy is committed to meeting its obligations within the law and being a good expression of Oasis' own commitment to equality.

Our Equality Objectives

The Academy’s Equality objectives outline how we are complying with the public sector equality duty, including details of how we are eliminating discrimination, improving equality of opportunity for people with protected characteristics, and involving those affected by inequality to inform our decisions on this issue. Our Academy Equality Objectives are;

1.Oasis Academy Warndon strive to ensure there is equality of opportunity for all pupils in all aspects of life at the academy.

2. Inclusive opportunities for all individuals are constantly developed to allow all pupils to strive to achieve their best and reach their full potential.

3. Oasis Academy Warndon endeavours to build strong bonds with all stake holders to ensure all barriers to learning that can hinder or exclude individuals or groups of pupils are eliminated.

4. The Oasis 9 Habits are used to inspire our pupils to ensure everyone at Oasis Warndon is inclusive in their actions and treat others equally. Character development, which incorporates inclusive behaviour towards others and an understanding that everyone is an equal, enable our pupils to be the very best people they can be. This is the ultimate goal for our students at Oasis Academy Warndon.

To read our Primary Objectives Plan please click here.

Our Accessibility Plan

The Academy’s Accessibility Plan includes details on how we are working to increase our disabled pupils’ ability to participate in our curriculum, improve the physical environment of our academy  so disabled pupils take better advantage of the services we provide, and improve the availability of accessible information to our disabled pupils. You can read our

Accessibility Plan here:

OCL Partnership with Stonewall

Oasis Community Learning is proud to partner with Stonewall, a leading LGBT rights organisation.  Stonewall train and support Oasis teachers and staff to further develop how we operate as a fully inclusive organisation. You can read more about Stonewall’s work here  

Oasis Community Learning’s academies are committed to best practice concerning equality and inclusion.  You can read which awards our academies have won by visiting OCL’s national website here

Oasis Academy Warndon has successfully achieved the National Investor in Diversity award for the last 6 years.

This means our academy has been identified as successfully advancing Fairness, Respect, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion & Engagement (FREDIE) for all. We are incredibly proud of our work and are thrilled that we have been recognised as an inclusive workplace.